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Katalin Horvath

Quilter, Textile artist
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Do you need personal support and guidance with your DST™ quilting project?
Now you can purchase and book your one-to-one tuition time in 30-minute sections with me.
This is the most flexible, personalized and cost-effective way of learning the Draw-Sew-Trim™ technique.
It suits your needs completely.
Flexible and personalized
in time: 

you can book the most convenient time for yourself at the stage when you need my support.
in theme: 

- You can choose to work on any of my patterns with me and you can let me know which particular part of the process you would like to hear and learn more about.
- Would you like to know, how to maintain nice satin stitches, how to manage corners?
- Did you see a nice quilting design in my videos and would like to learn about it?
- Or would you like to learn or take advice about colour choices?
I am happy to help.
in location: 

- The lessons are online so they come to your sewing room. You do not need to go anywhere.
- The sessions are managed through skype or messenger (Facebook).

While there are places you can book an hour, a half-day or day tuition, you can purchase your tuition time in 30-minute sections with me and you can use your time as it suits you the best.
(So if you purchase 2 hours of tuition, for example, you can use 1 hour on the day, when you start your project. Then as you proceed with your piece you can book another half-hour another day to talk about the satin stitches or questions that come up in the meanwhile. Finally, you can take another half hour to discuss the quilting process. Also, you can purchase time as you go, it is completely up to you.)
Price is  ₤6.90 / 30-minute section.
If you would like to buy more, increase the "Quantity" at checkout.
After purchase please contact me ( or "Contact webpage") to discuss the theme and make an appointment.

Online Tuition / 30-minute sections


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