
Horoscope mandalas are very unique and the most personalized mandalas I create. Each of them are pieces of art made with special care and attention. The coloures, symbols and crystals are carefully chosen by your horoscope. The analysis of a birth horoscope is based on the terms of the classic astrologic elements.
According to these elements, Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, Moon etc, will be exposed the specific characteristics. Examining these elements as archetypic parts and motivators of the personality (the signs as qualities, the houses as different areas of life, the aspects as the correspondence between the planets), will assemble your Self, from these mosaics.
This method is reliable, the astrologic analogies give a good description of your characteristics, the most important areas of your life and show your essential motivations, that are many times you are not even aware of.
There exists though an even more comprehensive element in the horoscope, than the comlex pattern of the planets. It is what is called the true assignment of life.
It is not a certain thing to be done, but a direction, that defines, appoints your development, your consciousness, awareness. It’s the path, passing over the many lives of the soul through development and self recognition. This present life represents a section of this long, complex path.
The true assignment of life is the highest spiritual principle that takes effect in spiritual growth, the cause and purpose, the karma in a certain point of view.
Some useless, forced mental and emotional constructions, thinking patterns, that do not serve development any more should be recognized and eliminated.
Sometimes it may be very hard, for our shadow is that follows us the most stubbornly.
Through the challenges and experiences of the assignment of life of life we can integrate new mental and emotional qualities into our complex personality, so that we can develop according to the purpose of the higher self.
As a general rule we may affirm, that if you progress by your assignment of life, you can get a lot of freedom, you can be succesful, and have a wide open area for self realisation.
But if you stick with the old, used, defunct mental and emotional patterns, then problems will repeat, your life situations will become stereotypical, that will carry stronger and stonger warnings, that finally may appear in the physical plane.
Following these useless, destructive inner patterns, beliefs and judgements can make you ill, for this is a kind of communication of the higher self with the „lower one”, the ego.
If you decide to order a mandala like this, you will get a brief written information of your birth chart and from the analysis through meditation and intuition, I create a design for you, that refers to your own Self.
If you have requests regarding the image, we can adjust through correspondence.
If you are satisfied with the final image, I am ready to create it for you using the finest fabrics and materials, carefully picked and harmonised crystals, that the mandala needs. This takes time, so please allow me 3-4 weeks to finish. Your mandala will be a 3 layered quilt, stitched and quilted with great care, focused attention and with lot of love. You will get a picture of the finished quilt to approve, if you are satisfied, I send it to you.
For that I need to know your first name, place and date of your birth, including country and town, year, month, day, hour, minute of your birth as close as possible. If you have any problems, writing a few sentences about it would be useful. You may tell me what purpose you would like to have the mandala for- for example meditation, spirituality, assignment of life, healing, personal problems, love, strength, perception, higher consciousness, creativity, inner sight…etc.
These mandalas decorate and harmonize your space, help you in self realization and finding your true Self. You can get it for yourself or give it as a unique, personalised gift to someone, you love.